boxcom – the media network has been offering services around multimedia, CD-ROM/DVD, e-learning, application development, training and Internet for over 15 years. In close co-operation with our clients we develop market oriented communication and multimedia concepts by always applying the latest available developments.

Today, here and now

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Today, here and now

The Internet alters the world in breathtaking speed. boxcom solutions that go with the pulse of the times: the right concepts for the right media by taking advantage of all possibilities of interactive communication, complemented by first class service, design and programming.

Electronic Marketing is our area of expertise

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Electronic Marketing is our area of expertise

That means the use of new media, fully implementing all their colors and shades, to better and more efficiently or rather “in a new way” solve different marketing tasks. It’s about Internet, mobile devices, movies, social media or multimedia presentations, only to name the most important ones. Our range of services is constantly updated and adjusted to the requirements of the market.

Breathlessly speedy

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Breathlessly speedy

No other area of new technologies has seen as breathlessly speedy a development as multimedia and Internet. As soon as new techniques have been introduced they’re already obsolete and replaced by their next generation.

New media at a glance

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New media at a glance

Please find detailed information on our website about Internet, multimedia, e-commerce, application programs, iPad, Android, podcasts, content management systems or e-learning. Or, if you prefer, simply give us a call.